Ian Stirzaker

- Press Reporting of Family Cases
- Misconduct That Affects Money
- SME Solicitors & Redgate Sports: a New Partnership
- Pre-nups: an update
- You must mediate!
- What happens to my pension if I divorce?
- What is the starting point for division of assets in divorce?
- If you are separated and sharing day to day arrangements for your children...
- How is the family home divided if we divorce?
- Finances in divorce proceedings
- How we communicate with our clients
- Would you take out your own appendix? Would you do your own divorce?
- Cutting Edge Practice in Family Law
- Unregulated Legal Services
- Special financial contribution argument very hard to make out
- Budget 2023 CGT – Separation and Divorce
- What do you call a Judge...?
- Email, WhatsApp and Text Messages can be binding
- More separations in 2023?
- Lawyerly Language
- Changes to Capital Gains Tax on Separation and Divorce
- Taking Children on Holiday
- Costs in financial applications
- Pension Sharing Orders on Divorce
- Divorce Cases Increase After Rule Change
- Online Divorce Applications
- Can Covid justify re-opening a financial order?
- Change to Divorce law from April 2022
Name: Ian Stirzaker, Senior Partner
Department: Family
Email: ian.stirzaker@smesolicitors.co.uk
Phone: +44 1905 723561
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianstirzaker/
Ian is the firm’s Senior Partner and Head of the Family Law Department. He is a Solicitor Advocate, a trained Mediator, a Mindshop® Accredited Business Facilitator and a former member of the Law Society Children Panel.
Ian’s combined skills of forensic analysis, empathy, patience and understanding backed up with a commercial understanding of the real world and over 35 years of experience help him to give you a service to match any other.
Able to draw on experience from so many different areas, Ian can help you to find practical, constructive and realistic solutions to every situation.
Ian’s aim is for all of the clients of the firm to be so happy that they become advocates for the firm and recommend all of their friends, family and contacts to use SME.
- Press Reporting of Family Cases
- Misconduct That Affects Money
- SME Solicitors & Redgate Sports: a New Partnership
- Pre-nups: an update
- You must mediate!
- What happens to my pension if I divorce?
- What is the starting point for division of assets in divorce?
- If you are separated and sharing day to day arrangements for your children...
- How is the family home divided if we divorce?
- Finances in divorce proceedings
- How we communicate with our clients
- Would you take out your own appendix? Would you do your own divorce?
- Cutting Edge Practice in Family Law
- Unregulated Legal Services
- Special financial contribution argument very hard to make out
- Budget 2023 CGT – Separation and Divorce
- What do you call a Judge...?
- Email, WhatsApp and Text Messages can be binding
- More separations in 2023?
- Lawyerly Language
- Changes to Capital Gains Tax on Separation and Divorce
- Taking Children on Holiday
- Costs in financial applications
- Pension Sharing Orders on Divorce
- Divorce Cases Increase After Rule Change
- Online Divorce Applications
- Can Covid justify re-opening a financial order?
- Change to Divorce law from April 2022
Working at SME Solicitors
Looking After Our Clients
Building Relationships
Dealing With Legal Problems
Thanks for the clarification, I'm so glad I asked you to handle it rather than me trying to do it (the divorce) online!
Ian, many thanks for all the support over the last two years, from day one your advice and support have been excellent.
Mr H, Worcester
Ian offered a great service during the short time he dealt with my divorce. He was prompt in responding to my queries and questions and explained things clearly to me every time. I felt comfortable dealing with Ian face to face and over phone and email. I would recommend him to others in the future.
Mrs L, Worcester